In the ever-expanding world of offshoring talent, it's essential to choose the right destination for your business. The Philippines and Colombia, both emerging powerhouses in the field of outsourcing, beckon businesses with their unique strengths. Let's embark on a journey to compare these two remarkable options.

Hitting the Road: Exploring Offshoring Talents in the Philippines and Colombia

The outsourcing landscape has witnessed remarkable growth in recent years, with South America emerging as a viable destination for offshoring services. Colombia, in particular, has gained recognition for its growing talent pool and attractive infrastructure.

Colombia: A Rising Star in Nearshoring

In the realm of nearshoring services, Colombia shines brightly. In Kearney's 2021 Global Services Location Index, Colombia secured the 13th position, a testament to its thriving outsourcing industry. Here's why Colombia has become the new go-to destination:

  1. IT Infrastructure Readiness: With over 65% connectivity, Colombia's IT infrastructure is robust, promising seamless operations for businesses that choose to outsource.
  2. Workforce Availability: Colombia produces around 13,000 university graduates annually, providing a steady stream of skilled professionals.
  3. Ease of Doing Business: The World Bank recognizes Colombia for offering one of the best business environments, making it a welcoming place for investment.
  4. Timezone Convenience: By outsourcing to Colombia, businesses from the United States enjoy the advantage of a few hours' time difference, making collaboration smoother.

The Philippines: A Time-Tested Outsourcing Hub

The Philippines has long been a trusted destination for offshore operations, especially for Western clients. With a rich history of providing exceptional support services, it offers a range of advantages:

  1. Popular Roles: The Philippines excels in delivering support-related services. Many companies choose the Philippines for functions that require strong support and customer service capabilities.
  2. Cultural Alignment: Cultural affinity with the United States is a key feature, thanks to historical ties. This alignment fosters excellent collaboration and smooth operations.
  3. Cost Efficiency: The Philippines strikes a balance between quality and cost. Clients can find cost-effective solutions without compromising on output quality.
  4. Time Difference: While the timezone difference might be a challenge for some roles, it also offers the possibility of 24/7 operations, particularly suitable for call center services.
  5. English Proficiency: The Philippines boasts high levels of English proficiency, with its nationals being among the largest English-speaking populations globally.
  6. Staff Turnover: While the BPO industry is well-developed in the Philippines, it can lead to higher staff turnover due to demand outstripping supply.

Navigating the Route: Where Should You Offshore Your Talent?

Choosing between the Philippines and Colombia is a crucial decision. Your choice should align with your business requirements and objectives.

  • Language Proficiency: If English proficiency is a top priority, the Philippines offers one of the best options with its high levels of English fluency.
  • Cost Efficiency: For cost-effective yet high-quality services, both destinations offer compelling solutions. The Philippines may have a slight edge in terms of cost savings, but Colombia's growing tech market is a competitive advantage.
  • Cultural Alignment: For easy assimilation and proactive workforce, Colombia's cultural alignment with Western countries offers distinct benefits.
  • Time Difference: Consider your operational needs. The Philippines provides an ideal option for round-the-clock services, while Colombia offers better time zone alignment for most roles.

Ready to make the pit stop and enhance your business with offshore talent? Contact SkyeDesk today. Our expertise in sourcing and screening offshore candidates gives you a winning edge in finding the best talent in the market at an affordable price point.