Software Development
Turn Repetitive Tasks Into Strengths With Custom Software
Custom software allows you to take any aspect of your organization and make it more efficient, effective and organized. That’s why Google, Facebook, IBM and HP all outsource a huge amount of their workforce. Software development agencies make development expensive and usually don’t manage the software or application afterward, leaving you to deal with issues or hire someone who doesn’t know the software inside-out like the developers did.
Our developers have the added benefit of SkyeDesk’s ongoing support to keep your software running well and adapting with agility to your changing needs as a decision maker. Outside perspective and project focus are the two key elements required to create successful software, and we provide both.
Outside Perspective: Our software development experts guide your project with one huge advantage: they are not part of your team. While this is the common link of all outsourced projects, it’s particularly advantageous when developing software because a fresh set of eyes is key to bringing new strategies and ideas to your software development plan, unearthing any weak points and improving your end result. However, this is not worth much if these experts can’t work with cross-functional teams.
Project Focus: The reality of creating any type of software is a number of setbacks. Clients struggle when they remain inflexible and expect a totally smooth process, and this is compounded by the fact that development is slower when you have to onboard and hire a development team for your own business. Our team is focused only on one thing: developing your software to the best of our absolute ability. No time splitting, no distractions—our remote teams are aligned, and don’t push back deadlines without excellent reasons.
Turn Repetitive Tasks Into Strengths With Custom Software
Custom software allows you to take any aspect of your organization and make it more efficient, effective and organized. That’s why Google, Facebook, IBM and HP all outsource a huge amount of their workforce. Software development agencies make development expensive and usually don’t manage the software or application afterward, leaving you to deal with issues or hire someone who doesn’t know the software inside-out like the developers did.
Our developers have the added benefit of SkyeDesk’s ongoing support to keep your software running well and adapting with agility to your changing needs as a decision maker. Outside perspective and project focus are the two key elements required to create successful software, and we provide both.
Outside Perspective: Our software development experts guide your project with one huge advantage: they are not part of your team. While this is the common link of all outsourced projects, it’s particularly advantageous when developing software because a fresh set of eyes is key to bringing new strategies and ideas to your software development plan, unearthing any weak points and improving your end result. However, this is not worth much if these experts can’t work with cross-functional teams.
Project Focus: The reality of creating any type of software is a number of setbacks. Clients struggle when they remain inflexible and expect a totally smooth process, and this is compounded by the fact that development is slower when you have to onboard and hire a development team for your own business. Our team is focused only on one thing: developing your software to the best of our absolute ability. No time splitting, no distractions—our remote teams are aligned, and don’t push back deadlines without excellent reasons.
Our Software Engineers Are Accountable
Why does accountability matter in software development? Because once software is released for use by a user, its end result is determined entirely by a small team of individuals. Whether or not those individuals have a sense of ownership over the software has a huge effect on whether or not it is successful. And the biggest way this sense of ownership is destroyed is by switching teams mid-stream, which happens often. Each team can blame the other for its failure, so nobody truly puts in the effort to make it work. Our software projects don’t change hands for this very reason.
Traits of the Best Developers
We focus on hiring remote software developers who have the best traits in the industry. This means designers focused on shared success, creativity balance, open mindedness, best practice-centricity and being fundamentally data-driven.
Software Development Outsourcing Benefits
Shared Success
Shared success connects again to the idea of accountability. In a word—teamwork. Of course teamwork is important for every industry; however, software development is so dependent on working together that having even a single person who only stays in their box can ruin the project.
Creativity Balance
Creating software is the definition of making any idea possible. A developer needs to be steeped in the technical fundamentals that make any software bulletproof, but have an out-of-the-box mind that allows technicals to be harnessed into making any end user goal a reality.
Creativity Balance
Creating software is the definition of making any idea possible. A developer needs to be steeped in the technical fundamentals that make any software bulletproof, but have an out-of-the-box mind that allows technicals to be harnessed into making any end user goal a reality.
Open Mindedness
The development of software can lead to some seriously passionate discussions because coding is very personal. When developers share their code and face criticism, they can react defensively. If they remain open-minded and level-headed, they will leave a positive impact on their teammates and the quality of their software.
Best Practice-Centricity
Processes have a purpose—ensuring quality—but they also slow things down, which can be frustrating. When a developer maintains best practices, better software results. For example, code review is essential, and though it may require redrafting of code, it maintains quality.
Best Practice-Centricity
Processes have a purpose—ensuring quality—but they also slow things down, which can be frustrating. When a developer maintains best practices, better software results. For example, code review is essential, and though it may require redrafting of code, it maintains quality.
Instead of personal feelings and opinions, developers need to make decisions based only on what is backed up by data.
Why Choose SkyeDesk For Your Software Project?
We have access to better software developers who create incredible code for their clients. Our job is to find you the highest quality remote expert at a price that reduces your costs without sacrificing your objectives as a decision maker. Call SkyeDesk today to discuss further your ability to save over 70% off your current labor costs alone on software development.
Why Choose SkyeDesk For Your Software Project?
We have access to better software developers who create incredible code for their clients. Our job is to find you the highest quality remote expert at a price that reduces your costs without sacrificing your objectives as a decision maker. Call SkyeDesk today to discuss further your ability to save over 70% off your current labor costs alone on software development.